Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Jesus!

It's Christmas Day!

Every single person in our household is sick with the flu.

We have a family tradition adopted from my childhood that Dad makes breakfast.  I have very fond memories of my father's omelet.  My dad didn't cook much, but he made Christmas brunch, which ended up being more like lunch after we got him out of bed, opened presents, and he finally got to work after his usual morning routine.  I think it was a nice break for my mom, and us girls certainly enjoyed dad ruling the kitchen in his bathrobe. (Christmas morning we got a rare glimpse of his knobby knees he's generously passed on to me and my daughter as my father is quite tall and my mom had a hard time finding him robes long enough, although I think he secretly liked to show some leg above his black socks and sandals )  As I recall my father only burnt his omelet once in the 25+ years I remember; it was usually light, fluffy and full of yumminess. So Good!

When we were first married, my dear man though ~The Dad~ making Christmas brunch was an excellent idea.  He doesn't do an omelet, since we have eggs pretty often and that includes them being chocked full of delicious things, fresh fruit, pancakes or waffles with real maple syrup and bacon tend to be his go-to treat for us.  This year Spouse even went to the grocery store on Christmas Eve to make sure everything he purchased was super fresh.  Sounded crazy but I appreciated his effort knowing that it was an extreme gesture of love as everyone knows being out and about on the Eve of Christ's 'birthday' is insane because every store will be closed for TWO WHOLE DAYS *gasp* and when that happens human beings go nuts.

Unfortunately, all five of our children woke up a few days ago with high fevers, coughing, some vomiting and others with pink eye. I thought our Christmas would be ruined which was a bit disappointing as I had planned lots of activities and prepared copious amounts of food to be consumed as is the custom of my children.

My plans went out the window.

So glad I know God had ordained this from the foundation of creation and equipped us to handle it.

Even though a few fevers broke and some appetite has returned, our youngest ended up giving back the little breakfast he did try this morning.

Luckily it landed on the kitchen floor.

Even more fortunate was that my dogs love human food so I only had to wash and disinfect the floor after they cleaned it up.

Have a Merry Christmas! :D

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Eww.

    But Yay to the kindness of your hubby preparing yummy Christmas morning feasts.

    And it's good to know you have fond memories of your dad making his yearly omelet.

    I hope everyone's right as rain before the New Year.


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